Languages | Size | CRC32 | Region | Serial |
English | 4483M | 3EC8FD4C | USA | RGSE8P |
999,999 Exp (enough for Lv99, all Weapons and Customs) by g6flavor Gecko
04540D04 000F423F |
always head shot/Note by dcx2 Gecko
040BFC58 3880000C |
always head shot mission 2 boss by dcx2 Gecko
041026B4 38A00001 |
Always quick shot by dcx2 Gecko
040BC23C 7C601B78 |
c and action buttons decrement mission select level/Note by dcx2 Gecko
C2036880 00000003 3C60804D 6063CFD8 80630000 70634000 2C030000 00000000 |
enemies always miss by dcx2 Gecko
040C1050 38800000 040C1004 3BA00000 |
freeze mission 2 stealth meter by dcx2 Gecko
040FE1F0 38000003 040FE328 7C601B78 040FE370 7C601B78 040FE304 7C802378 |
Hover to detain hostages by dcx2 Gecko
040BCDDC 48000008 |
Infinite clip/Note by dcx2 Gecko
04087848 60000000 |
infinite flashlight battery by dcx2 Gecko
041010EC 60000000 |
Infinite fully auto by dcx2 Gecko
040889E0 60000000 |
Infinite Life (ported from ZiT's jap code) by g6flavor Gecko
00033E23 000000B0 |
instakill switch on button 1 (need always head shot)/Note by dcx2 Gecko
040BCAC4 7C651B78 284DCFDA 00000200 CC000000 00000000 040BCAC4 38A00001 E0000000 80008000 |
Single click clear mine by dcx2 Gecko
0410B85C 60000000 |
Slow down hand-to-hand combat events by dcx2 Gecko
0410098C 60000000 04100990 7C601B78 |
Take no damage from enemy fire/Note by dcx2 Gecko
04033E20 60000000 |
Take no damage from friendly fire/Note by dcx2 Gecko
04034178 60000000 |
Unlock all 16 mission levels/Note by dcx2 Gecko
C203820C 00000002 3800000F 901E0070 801E0070 00000000 |
You can't shoot hostages or other allies/Note by dcx2 Gecko
C20BCAD8 00000007 881F000B 2C00000C 41820020 2C000004 41820018 2C000040 41820010 2C000050 41820008 48000008 38A00000 2C050000 60000000 00000000 |
Another mission 2 decision timer by dcx2 Gecko
04106338 7C802378 |
Infinite Basement Time by dcx2 Gecko
041042B0 7C601B78 |
infinite bomb sub-mission time by dcx2 Gecko
04107D50 60000000 |
infinite circuit breaker timer by dcx2 Gecko
041033FC 7C802378 |
infinite decision time by dcx2 Gecko
04038D74 60000000 |
Infinite Mine Time v1.1 by dcx2 Gecko
0410CF84 38000064 |
Infinite Mission 1 Boss time by dcx2 Gecko
040F374C 38000002 |
infinite mission 1 restaurant cover time by dcx2 Gecko
040F9C90 7C601B78 |
infinite mission 2 boss time/Note by dcx2 Gecko
041021DC 7C601B78 |
infinite mission 3 boss time by dcx2 Gecko
040EC244 7C601B78 |
infinite mission 3 ruins cover time by dcx2 Gecko
040FA240 7C601B78 040FA410 7C601B78 |
infinite mission select time by dcx2 Gecko
04036958 60000000 |
infinite sniper time by dcx2 Gecko
040E849C 7C601B78 |
infinite stealth time by dcx2 Gecko
040FE218 7C601B78 |
infinite time to pick up items by dcx2 Gecko
0411F2B4 7C601B78 |
all guns have dot sight by dcx2 Gecko
0408912C 60000000 |
always have compensator by dcx2 Gecko
04088394 3860002D 04088398 4800000C |
compensator lasts forever by dcx2 Gecko
04120404 60000000 |
Super Item Launcher/Note by dcx2 Gecko
C211F268 0000001F 2C1D0000 408200EC 3FE0804D 63FFCFD8 A81F0002 2C004001 4082000C 38000017 480000A0 2C004002 4082000C 38000015 48000090 2C004004 4082000C 3800000F 48000080 2C004008 4082000C 38000009 48000070 2C004010 4082000C 38000021 48000060 2C004100 4082000C 3800001E 48000050 2C004200 4082000C 38000004 48000040 2C004400 4082000C 38000020 48000030 2C004800 4082000C 3800001F 48000020 2C005000 4082000C 38000022 48000010 2C006000 40820038 3800002A 3FE0C000 93E40000 90040004 1FE00028 3FC0803C 381EF370 7C00FA14 90040008 38000000 90040010 380001C2 90040014 7C9F2378 00000000 |
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