Languages | Size | CRC32 | Region | Serial |
German | 0K | Unknown | Germany | SLES-03720 |
Besiege Michael Jordan by UL1 XplorerPro and FX (v2.2-v4.52)
342F1CE2 8C3F |
Gewinne den 2001er Dreierwettbewerb by UL1 XplorerPro and FX (v2.2-v4.52)
342F1CE1 8D40 |
Mid-Atlantic-Serie by UL1 XplorerPro and FX (v2.2-v4.52)
342F1CE0 8C41 |
Texas Road-Serie by UL1 XplorerPro and FX (v2.2-v4.52)
342F1CE5 8D44 |
Triple Double by UL1 XplorerPro and FX (v2.2-v4.52)
342F1CE4 8C45 |
Werde NBA-Champion by UL1 XplorerPro and FX (v2.2-v4.52)
342F1CE3 8D3E |
1. Viertel (Drücke L1 Pad 2) by UL1 XplorerPro and FX (v2.2-v4.52)
742EC3F5 3877 342EF38D B37F |
2. Viertel (Drücke L2 Pad 2) by UL1 XplorerPro and FX (v2.2-v4.52)
742EC3F5 3D78 342EF38D B37E |
3. Viertel (Drücke R1 Pad 2) by UL1 XplorerPro and FX (v2.2-v4.52)
742EC3F5 3477 342EF38D B37D |
4. Viertel (Drücke R2 Pad 2) by UL1 XplorerPro and FX (v2.2-v4.52)
742EC3F5 3E77 342EF38D B37C |
Alle by UL1 XplorerPro and FX (v2.2-v4.52)
B429FADC 9C42 142F1CD4 7D34 |
ABA Ball by UL1 XplorerPro and FX (v2.2-v4.52)
342F1CD5 7D34 |
Belohnungserweiterung by UL1 XplorerPro and FX (v2.2-v4.52)
342F1CF2 7C4F |
Michael Jordan by UL1 XplorerPro and FX (v2.2-v4.52)
342F1CF9 7D48 |
Neuer Song by UL1 XplorerPro and FX (v2.2-v4.52)
342F1CF3 7D4E |
Neues 1 gegen 1-Outfit by UL1 XplorerPro and FX (v2.2-v4.52)
342F1CF1 7D50 |
Westküstenplatz by UL1 XplorerPro and FX (v2.2-v4.52)
342F1CF0 7C51 |
Boost : Dunking by UL1 XplorerPro and FX (v2.2-v4.52)
342F1CCA 8C17 |
Boost : Geschwindigkeit by UL1 XplorerPro and FX (v2.2-v4.52)
342F1CCF 8D1A |
Boost : Springen by UL1 XplorerPro and FX (v2.2-v4.52)
342F1CCE 8C1B |
Boost : Stealen by UL1 XplorerPro and FX (v2.2-v4.52)
342F1CC8 8C19 |
Boost : Wurfgenauigkeit (2er) by UL1 XplorerPro and FX (v2.2-v4.52)
342F1CC9 8D18 |
Boost : Wurfgenauigkeit (3er) by UL1 XplorerPro and FX (v2.2-v4.52)
342F1CCD 8D1C |
Superspieler erstellen by UL1 XplorerPro and FX (v2.2-v4.52)
342F1CFF 7D4A |
Beginnt mit 99 Punkten by UL1 XplorerPro and FX (v2.2-v4.52)
742F6B7D 1B47 342F6B7D 1B24 |
Keine Time-Outs by UL1 XplorerPro and FX (v2.2-v4.52)
842F6B75 1B4F |
Punktet nie by UL1 XplorerPro and FX (v2.2-v4.52)
942F6B7D 1B47 342F6B7D 1B47 |
Unendlich Time-Outs by UL1 XplorerPro and FX (v2.2-v4.52)
742F6B75 1B4E 342F6B75 1B49 |
2-D Spieler by UL1 XplorerPro and FX (v2.2-v4.52)
342F1CD6 7C33 |
Augenklappe by UL1 XplorerPro and FX (v2.2-v4.52)
342F1CFA 7C47 |
EA-Mütze by UL1 XplorerPro and FX (v2.2-v4.52)
342F1CFD 7D4C |
Grose Köpfe by UL1 XplorerPro and FX (v2.2-v4.52)
342F1CCB 8D16 |
Grosser Afro by UL1 XplorerPro and FX (v2.2-v4.52)
342F1CFE 7C4B |
Irokesenfrisur by UL1 XplorerPro and FX (v2.2-v4.52)
342F1CFC 7C4D |
Mehr Verletzungen by UL1 XplorerPro and FX (v2.2-v4.52)
342F1CF8 7C49 |
Minispieler by UL1 XplorerPro and FX (v2.2-v4.52)
342F1CC0 8C21 |
Riesenspieler by UL1 XplorerPro and FX (v2.2-v4.52)
342F1CC2 8C1F |
Robo-Auge by UL1 XplorerPro and FX (v2.2-v4.52)
342F1CFB 7D46 |
Spiler tarnen by UL1 XplorerPro and FX (v2.2-v4.52)
342F1CC4 8C25 |
Beginnt mit 99 Punkten by UL1 XplorerPro and FX (v2.2-v4.52)
742F7199 210D 342F7199 216E |
Keine Time-Outs by UL1 XplorerPro and FX (v2.2-v4.52)
842F7191 2115 |
Punktet nie by UL1 XplorerPro and FX (v2.2-v4.52)
942F7199 210D 342F7199 210D |
Unendlich Time-Outs by UL1 XplorerPro and FX (v2.2-v4.52)
742F7191 2114 342F7191 2113 |
Ausdauer by UL1 XplorerPro and FX (v2.2-v4.52)
743AF6D0 0C53 343AF64B 9D01 |
Blocken by UL1 XplorerPro and FX (v2.2-v4.52)
743AF6D0 0C53 343AF654 8C12 |
Def. Rebounds by UL1 XplorerPro and FX (v2.2-v4.52)
743AF6D0 0C53 343AF650 8C16 |
Def.Bewusstsein by UL1 XplorerPro and FX (v2.2-v4.52)
743AF6D0 0C53 343AF655 8D13 |
Dreier by UL1 XplorerPro and FX (v2.2-v4.52)
743AF6D0 0C53 343AF658 8C1E |
Dribbeln by UL1 XplorerPro and FX (v2.2-v4.52)
743AF6D0 0C53 343AF64A 9C00 |
Dunken by UL1 XplorerPro and FX (v2.2-v4.52)
743AF6D0 0C53 343AF656 8C14 |
Freiwürfe by UL1 XplorerPro and FX (v2.2-v4.52)
743AF6D0 0C53 343AF659 8D1F |
Nahe Sprungwürfe by UL1 XplorerPro and FX (v2.2-v4.52)
743AF6D0 0C53 343AF65B 8D11 |
Nervenstärke by UL1 XplorerPro and FX (v2.2-v4.52)
743AF6D0 0C53 343AF646 9CC8 |
Off. Bewusstsein by UL1 XplorerPro and FX (v2.2-v4.52)
743AF6D0 0C53 343AF64C 9C0A |
Off. Rebounds by UL1 XplorerPro and FX (v2.2-v4.52)
743AF6D0 0C53 343AF653 8D29 |
Passen by UL1 XplorerPro and FX (v2.2-v4.52)
743AF6D0 0C53 343AF64F 9D0D |
Reaktion by UL1 XplorerPro and FX (v2.2-v4.52)
743AF6D0 0C53 343AF652 8C28 |
Reichweite by UL1 XplorerPro and FX (v2.2-v4.52)
743AF6D0 0C53 343AF648 9CC2 |
Schnelligkeit by UL1 XplorerPro and FX (v2.2-v4.52)
743AF6D0 0C53 343AF64D 9D0B |
Springen by UL1 XplorerPro and FX (v2.2-v4.52)
743AF6D0 0C53 343AF651 8D17 |
Sprungwürfe by UL1 XplorerPro and FX (v2.2-v4.52)
743AF6D0 0C53 343AF65A 8C10 |
Stärke by UL1 XplorerPro and FX (v2.2-v4.52)
743AF6D0 0C53 343AF64E 9C0C |
Stealen by UL1 XplorerPro and FX (v2.2-v4.52)
743AF6D0 0C53 343AF657 8D15 |
10 Assists by UL1 XplorerPro and FX (v2.2-v4.52)
342F1CF5 7D54 |
10 Steals by UL1 XplorerPro and FX (v2.2-v4.52)
342F1CF6 7C53 |
10Punkte Vorsprung by UL1 XplorerPro and FX (v2.2-v4.52)
342F1CF4 7C55 |
15 Rebounds by UL1 XplorerPro and FX (v2.2-v4.52)
342F1CE9 8D38 |
Double Double by UL1 XplorerPro and FX (v2.2-v4.52)
342F1CE8 8C39 |
Eins gegen eins-Spiel by UL1 XplorerPro and FX (v2.2-v4.52)
342F1CF7 7D52 |
Abgelaufen (Drücke Start Pad 2) by UL1 XplorerPro and FX (v2.2-v4.52)
742EC3F5 3C7F 842EF39D A38E |
Angehalten (Drücke L1 & L2 Pad 2) by UL1 XplorerPro and FX (v2.2-v4.52)
742EC3F5 3978 042B2549 59C9 |
Läuft weiter (Drücke R1 & R2 Pad 2) by UL1 XplorerPro and FX (v2.2-v4.52)
742EC3F5 3677 842B2549 59C5 742EC3F5 3677 842B254B F565 |
15 Assists by UL1 XplorerPro and FX (v2.2-v4.52)
342F1CED 8D3C |
15 Dreier by UL1 XplorerPro and FX (v2.2-v4.52)
342F1CEB 8D36 |
15 Steals by UL1 XplorerPro and FX (v2.2-v4.52)
342F1CEC 8C3D |
40 Punkte by UL1 XplorerPro and FX (v2.2-v4.52)
342F1CEF 8D3A |
All-Star-Spiel by UL1 XplorerPro and FX (v2.2-v4.52)
342F1CEA 8C37 |
Canada Cup by UL1 XplorerPro and FX (v2.2-v4.52)
342F1CEE 8C3B |
California-Serie by UL1 XplorerPro and FX (v2.2-v4.52)
342F1C9B 7D66 |
Eigener Spieler als MVP by UL1 XplorerPro and FX (v2.2-v4.52)
342F1CE7 8D42 |
Florida-Serie by UL1 XplorerPro and FX (v2.2-v4.52)
342F1C9A 7C67 |
Midwest Road-Serie by UL1 XplorerPro and FX (v2.2-v4.52)
342F1C98 7C69 |
Northwest Road-Serie by UL1 XplorerPro and FX (v2.2-v4.52)
342F1CE6 8C43 |
Perfektes Dreierspiel by UL1 XplorerPro and FX (v2.2-v4.52)
342F1C99 7D68 |
Nehmen zu by UL1 XplorerPro and FX (v2.2-v4.52)
74285B4F 5D46 34285B4F 4D74 |
Unendlich by UL1 XplorerPro and FX (v2.2-v4.52)
74285B4D 4D15 04285B4B 4D59 |
Verfügbare Punkte note by NA XplorerPro and FX (v2.2-v4.52)
N/A |
Abgelaufen (Drücke Select Pad 2) by UL1 XplorerPro and FX (v2.2-v4.52)
742EC3F5 3C76 842DC800 A659 |
Angehalten (Drücke L1 & R1 Pad 2) by UL1 XplorerPro and FX (v2.2-v4.52)
742EC3F5 3077 042B1A5C 7EA6 |
Läuft weiter (Drücke L2 & R2 Pad 2) by UL1 XplorerPro and FX (v2.2-v4.52)
742EC3F5 3F78 842B1A5C 7ED6 742EC3F5 3F78 842B1A5E D246 |
AnAc Pad 1 by UL1 XplorerPro and FX (v2.2-v4.52)
700B37F8 ???? |
AnAc Pad 2 by UL1 XplorerPro and FX (v2.2-v4.52)
700B381A ???? |
PAL2NTSC by UL1 XplorerPro and FX (v2.2-v4.52)
74207EAC 2A1E 34207EAA 2A50 |
RCJC Pad 1 by UL1 XplorerPro and FX (v2.2-v4.52)
700B37FA ???? |
RCJC Pad 2 by UL1 XplorerPro and FX (v2.2-v4.52)
700B381C ???? |
Y-Fix by UL1 XplorerPro and FX (v2.2-v4.52)
74206DAB 070F 84206DAB 071F |
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