Languages | Size | CRC32 | Region | Serial |
English | 0K | Unknown | USA | SLES-03668 |
Always wins/Note by UL1 XplorerPro and FX (v2.2-v4.52)
74265E4E 485C 34265E4E 4857 |
Never wins/Note by UL1 XplorerPro and FX (v2.2-v4.52)
74265E4E 485D 34265E4E 485C |
Opponents goal resets timer by UL1 XplorerPro and FX (v2.2-v4.52)
74265E4A 4859 3435E23A 9808 7435E23A 9808 34265E4A 4858 |
Shoot a goal to end half by UL1 XplorerPro and FX (v2.2-v4.52)
94265E4E 485C 8435E23A 9309 |
Wins immediately (Press L2 & R2 & Select) by UL1 XplorerPro and FX (v2.2-v4.52)
74214585 D397 3435E38F 897C 74214585 D397 3435E393 9960 74214585 D397 34265E4A 4858 74214585 D397 8435E23A 9309 74214585 D397 34265E4E 4857 |
Always wins/Note by UL1 XplorerPro and FX (v2.2-v4.52)
74265E4A 4858 34265E4A 4853 |
Never wins/Note by UL1 XplorerPro and FX (v2.2-v4.52)
74265E4A 4859 34265E4A 4858 |
Opponents goal resets timer by UL1 XplorerPro and FX (v2.2-v4.52)
74265E4E 485D 3435E23A 9808 7435E23A 9808 34265E4E 485C |
Shoot a goal to end half by UL1 XplorerPro and FX (v2.2-v4.52)
94265E4A 4858 8435E23A 9309 |
Wins immediately (Press L1 & R1 & Select) by UL1 XplorerPro and FX (v2.2-v4.52)
74214585 DC94 3435E38F 897C 74214585 DC94 3435E393 9960 74214585 DC94 34265E4A 4853 74214585 DC94 8435E23A 9309 74214585 DC94 34265E4E 485C |
AnAc Pad 1 by UL1 XplorerPro and FX (v2.2-v4.52)
7004BF60 ???? |
AnAc Pad 2 by UL1 XplorerPro and FX (v2.2-v4.52)
7004C160 ???? |
End half (Press L1 & L2 & R1 & R2) by UL1 XplorerPro and FX (v2.2-v4.52)
74214585 DF96 3435E23B 9902 |
PAL2NTSC by UL1 XplorerPro and FX (v2.2-v4.52)
74242EC0 463A 34242EC6 466C |
RCJC Pad 1 by UL1 XplorerPro and FX (v2.2-v4.52)
7004BF62 ???? |
RCJC Pad 2 by UL1 XplorerPro and FX (v2.2-v4.52)
7004C162 ???? |
Start in second half by UL1 XplorerPro and FX (v2.2-v4.52)
7435E38F 897D 3435E38F 897C 7435E393 9961 3435E393 9960 |
XPloder-Check Plus by UL1 XplorerPro and FX (v2.2-v4.52)
7429787E 5266 8429787A FAEA |
Y-Fix by UL1 XplorerPro and FX (v2.2-v4.52)
7424533B 39D9 8424533B 39C9 |
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