Languages | Size | CRC32 | Region | Serial |
English | 0K | Unknown | Europe | SLES-01515 |
Default(Press Square Pad2) by Hardy XplorerPro and FX (v2.2-v4.52)
7428 E369 EA0F 8423 9478 D14D 7428 E369 EA0F 8423 947A 0C54 |
Modify (Note 2)(Press X Pad2)/Note by Hardy XplorerPro and FX (v2.2-v4.52)
7428 E369 2A0F 8423 9478 0058 7428 E369 2A0F 8423 947A 0056 |
Alle Kristalle by DiamondCutter XplorerPro and FX (v2.2-v4.52)
Alle Papiere by DiamondCutter XplorerPro and FX (v2.2-v4.52)
Alle Waffen by UL1 XplorerPro and FX (v2.2-v4.52)
Alle Zugangsschluessel by UL1 XplorerPro and FX (v2.2-v4.52)
Komplettes Inventar by UL1 XplorerPro and FX (v2.2-v4.52)
Levelanwahl im Hauptmenue by UL1 XplorerPro and FX (v2.2-v4.52)
$85B49CB5CECE |
PAL2NTSC by UL1 XplorerPro and FX (v2.2-v4.52)
$85B53827CECD |
RCJC P1/Note by UL1 XplorerPro and FX (v2.2-v4.52)
700D1652 ???? |
RCJC P2 by UL1 XplorerPro and FX (v2.2-v4.52)
700D187E ???? |
Unendlich Inventar by UL1 XplorerPro and FX (v2.2-v4.52)
$B5AEBED3CECD $15B63301F1DF |
Unendlich Luft by UL1 XplorerPro and FX (v2.2-v4.52)
$85B632DDFC8D |
Unendlich Munition by UL1 XplorerPro and FX (v2.2-v4.52)
$B5B7BED3CECD $15B63271CE3C |
Unendlich Munition by UL1 XplorerPro and FX (v2.2-v4.52)
Unverwundbar by UL1 XplorerPro and FX (v2.2-v4.52)
X-Code by UL1 XplorerPro and FX (v2.2-v4.52)
$B5ABC015CECD $15B630D9F933 |
X-Code II (Note 1)/Note by UL1 XplorerPro and FX (v2.2-v4.52)
$75B6D421BECC $B5ABBED5CECD $15B63843F1DF $75B6D421BE8C $B5ABBED5CECD $15B63843CECD |
Big head enemies & GoGos by UL1 XplorerPro and FX (v2.2-v4.52)
3429 F6EB B945 |
Big pighead Duke by UL1 XplorerPro and FX (v2.2-v4.52)
3429 F6EB B915 |
Double Duke by UL1 XplorerPro and FX (v2.2-v4.52)
8428 8199 1795 |
Headless Duke by UL1 XplorerPro and FX (v2.2-v4.52)
3429 F6EB B965 |
Headless enemies & GoGos by UL1 XplorerPro and FX (v2.2-v4.52)
3429 F6E9 B963 |
Invincible Duke by UL1 XplorerPro and FX (v2.2-v4.52)
8428 8197 1793 |
Invisible Duke by UL1 XplorerPro and FX (v2.2-v4.52)
8428 819B 1797 |
Pighead Duke by UL1 XplorerPro and FX (v2.2-v4.52)
3429 F6EB B945 |
Super Speed by UL1 XplorerPro and FX (v2.2-v4.52)
8428 8195 1791 |
Very big head enemies & GoGos by UL1 XplorerPro and FX (v2.2-v4.52)
3429 F6EB B915 |
All energy crystals by Hardy XplorerPro and FX (v2.2-v4.52)
B426 FBD5 933F 1428 8E70 F23B |
All items by Hardy XplorerPro and FX (v2.2-v4.52)
7428 8EA8 02F2 B426 FBD5 933F 1428 8EA8 02F3 3428 8E98 F223 |
All keys by Hardy XplorerPro and FX (v2.2-v4.52)
B420 FBD3 9541 1428 8E9C F227 |
All papers by Hardy XplorerPro and FX (v2.2-v4.52)
B426 FBD5 933F 1428 8E7C F247 |
All weapons (Default)(Press L3) by Hardy XplorerPro and FX (v2.2-v4.52)
7428 EDB5 605F B42B FAD8 9E4A 1428 8F27 F180 |
All weapons (Upgraded)(Press R3) by Hardy XplorerPro and FX (v2.2-v4.52)
7428 EDB5 6059 B42B FAD8 9E4A 1428 8F27 F18E |
Default(Press L2 Pad2) by Hardy XplorerPro and FX (v2.2-v4.52)
7428 E369 6B10 342F 1551 85B8 |
Faster(Press L1 Pad2) by Hardy XplorerPro and FX (v2.2-v4.52)
7428 E369 6E0F 342F 1551 85B9 |
Slower(Press R1 Pad2) by Hardy XplorerPro and FX (v2.2-v4.52)
7428 E369 620F 342F 1551 85BB |
Ammo all weapons by Hardy XplorerPro and FX (v2.2-v4.52)
B42B FAD8 9E4A 1428 8F25 F267 B426 FBD5 933F 1428 8EC2 012E |
Ammo Desert Eagle by Hardy XplorerPro and FX (v2.2-v4.52)
8428 868A 09FE |
Armor by Hardy XplorerPro and FX (v2.2-v4.52)
8428 8FDB 4FED |
Armor by Hardy XplorerPro and FX (v2.2-v4.52)
8428 8737 4759 |
Continues by Hardy XplorerPro and FX (v2.2-v4.52)
3428 8F96 02ED |
Health by Hardy XplorerPro and FX (v2.2-v4.52)
8428 89DD B5E5 |
Health by Hardy XplorerPro and FX (v2.2-v4.52)
8428 8139 4D51 |
Items by Hardy XplorerPro and FX (v2.2-v4.52)
B426 FBD5 933F 1428 8EAA 7DFE 8428 8E9A 8DCE |
Items & ammo all weapons (on pickup) by Hardy XplorerPro and FX (v2.2-v4.52)
3429 C7FF C970 |
Oxygen by Hardy XplorerPro and FX (v2.2-v4.52)
0421 DA2A C438 |
Armor by DiamondCutter XplorerPro and FX (v2.2-v4.52)
8428 8FE3 BFE5 |
Continues by DiamondCutter XplorerPro and FX (v2.2-v4.52)
8428 8FBF 0116 |
Health by DiamondCutter XplorerPro and FX (v2.2-v4.52)
8428 89E5 A59D |
All crystals by UL1 XplorerPro and FX (v2.2-v4.52)
B426 FBD5 933F 1428 8EA8 02F3 |
All files by UL1 XplorerPro and FX (v2.2-v4.52)
B426 FBD5 933F 1428 8E94 F21F |
All items by UL1 XplorerPro and FX (v2.2-v4.52)
B420 FBD3 9541 1428 8EC0 02CB |
All keys by UL1 XplorerPro and FX (v2.2-v4.52)
B420 FBD3 9541 1428 8EB4 F2FF |
Have biomask by DiamondCutter XplorerPro and FX (v2.2-v4.52)
8428 8EC4 02CF |
Have blue energy crystal by DiamondCutter XplorerPro and FX (v2.2-v4.52)
8428 8EAC 02F7 |
Have goggles by DiamondCutter XplorerPro and FX (v2.2-v4.52)
8428 8EC8 02D3 |
Have green energy crystal by DiamondCutter XplorerPro and FX (v2.2-v4.52)
8428 8E90 F21B |
Have jetpack by DiamondCutter XplorerPro and FX (v2.2-v4.52)
7428 8EC0 02CA 8428 8EC0 02CB |
Have medkits by DiamondCutter XplorerPro and FX (v2.2-v4.52)
8428 8EB0 F2FB |
Have old note by DiamondCutter XplorerPro and FX (v2.2-v4.52)
8428 8E98 F223 |
Have other keys by DiamondCutter XplorerPro and FX (v2.2-v4.52)
8428 8EBC F207 8428 8EA0 02EB 8428 8EA4 02EF |
Have red energy crystal by DiamondCutter XplorerPro and FX (v2.2-v4.52)
8428 8EA8 02F3 |
Have scrape of paper by DiamondCutter XplorerPro and FX (v2.2-v4.52)
8428 8E94 F21F |
Have subway security / skeleton key by DiamondCutter XplorerPro and FX (v2.2-v4.52)
8428 8EB4 F2FF |
Have torn paper by DiamondCutter XplorerPro and FX (v2.2-v4.52)
8428 8E9C F227 |
Have transport room ID by DiamondCutter XplorerPro and FX (v2.2-v4.52)
8428 8EB8 F203 |
Infinite air by DiamondCutter XplorerPro and FX (v2.2-v4.52)
8428 8FE1 DF03 |
Infinite biomask energy by DiamondCutter XplorerPro and FX (v2.2-v4.52)
8428 8EC6 7D22 |
Infinite goggles energy by DiamondCutter XplorerPro and FX (v2.2-v4.52)
8428 8ECA 7D1E |
Infinite items by UL1 XplorerPro and FX (v2.2-v4.52)
B420 FBD3 9541 1428 8EC2 21DB |
Infinite jetpack energy by DiamondCutter XplorerPro and FX (v2.2-v4.52)
8428 8EC2 7D26 |
Infinite medkits by DiamondCutter XplorerPro and FX (v2.2-v4.52)
8428 8EB2 8DF6 |
Big Head enemies & GoGos by Hardy XplorerPro and FX (v2.2-v4.52)
3429 F69D A9CF |
Big pighead Duke by Hardy XplorerPro and FX (v2.2-v4.52)
3429 F69F A9E1 |
Double Duke by Hardy XplorerPro and FX (v2.2-v4.52)
8428 8171 17FD |
Headless Duke by Hardy XplorerPro and FX (v2.2-v4.52)
3429 F69F A991 |
Headless enemies & GoGos by Hardy XplorerPro and FX (v2.2-v4.52)
3429 F69D A98F |
Invincible Duke by Hardy XplorerPro and FX (v2.2-v4.52)
8428 814F E7DB |
Invisible Duke by Hardy XplorerPro and FX (v2.2-v4.52)
8428 8173 17FF |
Invulnerable Duke by Hardy XplorerPro and FX (v2.2-v4.52)
3429 C7FD C96E |
Pighead Duke by Hardy XplorerPro and FX (v2.2-v4.52)
3429 F69F A9D1 |
Super Speed by Hardy XplorerPro and FX (v2.2-v4.52)
8428 814D E7D9 |
Very big head enemies & GoGos by Hardy XplorerPro and FX (v2.2-v4.52)
3429 F69D A9FF |
Kills by Hardy XplorerPro and FX (v2.2-v4.52)
300D 7E52 00?? |
Infinite Desert Eagle ammo by UL1 XplorerPro and FX (v2.2-v4.52)
8428 86A2 0A9F |
Infinite health by UL1 XplorerPro and FX (v2.2-v4.52)
8428 8141 D80C |
Kills P1 by Hardy XplorerPro and FX (v2.2-v4.52)
300D 75AE 00?? |
Enemies killed by Hardy XplorerPro and FX (v2.2-v4.52)
300D 75B6 00?? |
Secrets found by Hardy XplorerPro and FX (v2.2-v4.52)
300D 75B0 00?? |
Levelselect by Hardy XplorerPro and FX (v2.2-v4.52)
300B DEF6 00?? |
PAL2NTSC by Hardy XplorerPro and FX (v2.2-v4.52)
342F 0171 81F5 |
RCJC P1 by Hardy XplorerPro and FX (v2.2-v4.52)
D00D 165A ???? |
RCJC P2 by Hardy XplorerPro and FX (v2.2-v4.52)
D00D 1886 ???? |
Select levels at main menu (Note 1)/Note by Hardy XplorerPro and FX (v2.2-v4.52)
342E 251B 65EE |
Y-Fix 1 by Hardy XplorerPro and FX (v2.2-v4.52)
842E ED1D 9D2D |
Y-Fix 2 by Hardy XplorerPro and FX (v2.2-v4.52)
842E E349 93FB 842E E34D 93FF |
Invulnerable by UL1 XplorerPro and FX (v2.2-v4.52)
3429 C7E9 B982 |
PAL2NTSC by UL1 XplorerPro and FX (v2.2-v4.52)
742F 0171 81BA 342F 017F 81EF |
RCJC P1 by UL1 XplorerPro and FX (v2.2-v4.52)
D00D 1652 ???? |
RCJC P2 by UL1 XplorerPro and FX (v2.2-v4.52)
D00D 187E ???? |
Select levels at main menu by DiamondCutter XplorerPro and FX (v2.2-v4.52)
842E 250F 5502 |
Y-Fix by UL1 XplorerPro and FX (v2.2-v4.52)
742E ED19 9D39 842E ED19 9D29 |
Less time(Press R1 & R2) by UL1 XplorerPro and FX (v2.2-v4.52)
7428 EDBD 6A65 8428 78C0 1CE9 |
More time(Press L1 & L2) by UL1 XplorerPro and FX (v2.2-v4.52)
7428 EDBD 6566 8428 78C0 378F |
Ammo increases (Note 1) by UL1 XplorerPro and FX (v2.2-v4.52)
7421 02A6 937A 8421 02A6 6C75 7421 1D03 7817 8421 1D03 87D6 7421 01BB 847B 8421 01BB 7B72 7420 70FC E302 8420 70FC 1CED |
Have all weapons (Default) (Note 1) by UL1 XplorerPro and FX (v2.2-v4.52)
B42B FAD8 9E4A 1428 8F4F F158 |
Have all weapons (Upgraded) (Note 1) by UL1 XplorerPro and FX (v2.2-v4.52)
B42B FAD8 9E4A 1428 8F4F F156 |
Have buffalo rifle by DiamondCutter XplorerPro and FX (v2.2-v4.52)
8428 8F5B 014C |
Have combat shotgun (Note 1) by DiamondCutter XplorerPro and FX (v2.2-v4.52)
8428 8F5F 0148 |
Have crossbow by DiamondCutter XplorerPro and FX (v2.2-v4.52)
8428 8F47 F160 |
Have Desert Eagle (Note 1) by DiamondCutter XplorerPro and FX (v2.2-v4.52)
3428 8F43 F164 |
Have dynamite by DiamondCutter XplorerPro and FX (v2.2-v4.52)
8428 8F3B 016C |
Have energy weapon (Note 1) by DiamondCutter XplorerPro and FX (v2.2-v4.52)
8428 8F2B F17C |
Have flame thrower (Note 1) by DiamondCutter XplorerPro and FX (v2.2-v4.52)
8428 8F2F F178 |
Have freezer by DiamondCutter XplorerPro and FX (v2.2-v4.52)
8428 8F27 F180 |
Have gatling gun (Note 1) by DiamondCutter XplorerPro and FX (v2.2-v4.52)
8428 8F57 0150 |
Have holy hand grenades by DiamondCutter XplorerPro and FX (v2.2-v4.52)
8428 8F3F 0168 |
Have pipe bombs by DiamondCutter XplorerPro and FX (v2.2-v4.52)
8428 8F23 F184 |
Have RPG (Note 1) by DiamondCutter XplorerPro and FX (v2.2-v4.52)
8428 8F53 0154 |
Have super combat shotgun (Note 1) by DiamondCutter XplorerPro and FX (v2.2-v4.52)
8428 8F5F 0146 |
Have super Desert Eagle (Note 1) by DiamondCutter XplorerPro and FX (v2.2-v4.52)
3428 8F43 F16A |
Have super energy weapon (Note 1) by DiamondCutter XplorerPro and FX (v2.2-v4.52)
8428 8F2B F172 |
Have super flame thrower (Note 1) by DiamondCutter XplorerPro and FX (v2.2-v4.52)
8428 8F2F F176 |
Have super gatling gun (Note 1) by DiamondCutter XplorerPro and FX (v2.2-v4.52)
8428 8F57 015E |
Have super RPG (Note 1) by DiamondCutter XplorerPro and FX (v2.2-v4.52)
8428 8F53 015A |
Have throwing axes by DiamondCutter XplorerPro and FX (v2.2-v4.52)
8428 8F4B F15C |
Have throwing knifes by DiamondCutter XplorerPro and FX (v2.2-v4.52)
8428 8F4F F158 |
Infinite ammo (Note 1) by UL1 XplorerPro and FX (v2.2-v4.52)
B42B FAD8 9E4A 1428 8F4D F138 |
Infinite ammo (Note 1) by UL1 XplorerPro and FX (v2.2-v4.52)
8429 C7EB B984 |
Infinite Arrows by DiamondCutter XplorerPro and FX (v2.2-v4.52)
8428 8F45 F287 |
Infinite buffalo rifle ammo by DiamondCutter XplorerPro and FX (v2.2-v4.52)
8428 8F59 02AB |
Infinite combat shotgun ammo by DiamondCutter XplorerPro and FX (v2.2-v4.52)
8428 8F5D 02AF |
Infinite Desert Eagle ammo by DiamondCutter XplorerPro and FX (v2.2-v4.52)
8428 8F41 F283 |
Infinite dynamite by DiamondCutter XplorerPro and FX (v2.2-v4.52)
8428 8F39 028B |
Infinite energy by DiamondCutter XplorerPro and FX (v2.2-v4.52)
8428 8F29 F29B |
Infinite flame thrower fuel by DiamondCutter XplorerPro and FX (v2.2-v4.52)
8428 8F2D F29F 8428 8EFA F126 |
Infinite freezer energy by DiamondCutter XplorerPro and FX (v2.2-v4.52)
8428 8F25 F267 |
Infinite gatling gun ammo by DiamondCutter XplorerPro and FX (v2.2-v4.52)
8428 8F55 02B7 8428 8EFE F122 |
Infinite grenades by DiamondCutter XplorerPro and FX (v2.2-v4.52)
8428 8F3D 028F |
Infinite pipe bombs by DiamondCutter XplorerPro and FX (v2.2-v4.52)
8428 8F21 F263 |
Infinite RPG energy by DiamondCutter XplorerPro and FX (v2.2-v4.52)
8428 8F51 02B3 8428 8EE2 014E |
Infinite throwing axes by DiamondCutter XplorerPro and FX (v2.2-v4.52)
8428 8F49 F2BB |
Infinite throwing knifes by DiamondCutter XplorerPro and FX (v2.2-v4.52)
8428 8F4D F2BF |
Dickschaedel Duke by UL1 XplorerPro and FX (v2.2-v4.52)
$35B5CA04CEED |
Grosser Kopf fuer Gegner & Taenzerinnen by UL1 XplorerPro and FX (v2.2-v4.52)
$35B5CA04CEED |
Kopflose Gegner & Taenzerinnen by UL1 XplorerPro and FX (v2.2-v4.52)
$35B5CA06CECD |
Kopfloser Duke by UL1 XplorerPro and FX (v2.2-v4.52)
$35B5CA04CECD |
Sehr grosser Kopf fuer Gegner & Taenzerinnen by UL1 XplorerPro and FX (v2.2-v4.52)
$35B5CA04CE3D |
Sturer Dickschaedel Duke by UL1 XplorerPro and FX (v2.2-v4.52)
$35B5CA04CE3D |
Unendlich Eagle-Munition P2 by UL1 XplorerPro and FX (v2.2-v4.52)
$85B63B21CE3C |
Unendlich Gesundheit P2 by UL1 XplorerPro and FX (v2.2-v4.52)
$85B6387DF933 |
Verkuerze Zeit (Druecke R1& R2) by UL1 XplorerPro and FX (v2.2-v4.52)
$75B6D421C3CC $85B641EFCECE |
Verlaengere Zeit (Druecke L1& L2) by UL1 XplorerPro and FX (v2.2-v4.52)
$75B6D421C8CC $85B641EFF933 |
Verwandle Gegner & Taenzerinnen by UL1 XplorerPro and FX (v2.2-v4.52)
$35B5CA06CECD |
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