Languages | Size | CRC32 | Region | Serial |
English | 0K | Unknown | Europe | SLES-00746 |
*An (Druecke Select & R1 Pad 2) by Nachbrenner XplorerPro and FX (v2.2-v4.52)
$75B5E289C5CB $35B213CBCECF |
*Aus (Druecke Select & R2 Pad 2) by Nachbrenner XplorerPro and FX (v2.2-v4.52)
$75B5E289CBCB $35B213CBCECE |
*An (Druecke Select & L1 Pad 2) by Nachbrenner XplorerPro and FX (v2.2-v4.52)
$75B5E289C9CB $35B20A43CECD |
*Aus (Druecke Select & L2 Pad 2) by Nachbrenner XplorerPro and FX (v2.2-v4.52)
$75B5E289CCCB $35B20A43CED2 |
*Bild nach oben/unten schieben (Druecke Select & Oben/Unten Pad 2) by Nachbrenner XplorerPro and FX (v2.2-v4.52)
$B5ABBE032D7B $15B23C4FCECD $95A936D10AD5 $55A936CF2E29 $34F358CF230F $69F7FEF71B5D $33113325245B $49F685F6245D $B243B2762355 $B9F6B9F61B55 $330033214455 $D9F615F6275D $584558702355 $C9F7FD08D95E $34F934EC245E $70F7A589D75D $34FF347A2455 $34FF55FF1C7E $34FF345A245D $371F26B2F913 $55B23B6F2ED1 $52FF30F31B15 |
*Habe alle Schluessel (Druecke L2 & R2) by UL1 XplorerPro and FX (v2.2-v4.52)
$75B5E261CACC $B5ACBED3CECD $15B52B23CF5B |
*Habe alle Traenke und Talismane (Druecke L2 & R2) by UL1 XplorerPro and FX (v2.2-v4.52)
*Habe alle Waffen (Druecke L2 & R2) by UL1 XplorerPro and FX (v2.2-v4.52)
*Habe alle Zauber (Druecke L2 & R2) by UL1 XplorerPro and FX (v2.2-v4.52)
Anzahl der gefundenen Gegenstaende by UL1 XplorerPro and FX (v2.2-v4.52)
300C248800?? |
Anzahl der gefundenen Geheimnisse by UL1 XplorerPro and FX (v2.2-v4.52)
300C3DEC00?? |
Anzahl der getoeteten Feinde by UL1 XplorerPro and FX (v2.2-v4.52)
300EFA4200?? |
Anzahl der zu findenden Gegenstaende by Nachbrenner XplorerPro and FX (v2.2-v4.52)
300C3B4800?? |
Anzahl der zu findenden Geheimnisse by UL1 XplorerPro and FX (v2.2-v4.52)
300C3A8000?? |
Anzahl der zu toetenden Feinde by UL1 XplorerPro and FX (v2.2-v4.52)
300C3E9800?? |
Level Select (Note) by Nachbrenner XplorerPro and FX (v2.2-v4.52)
$95AE15357D84 $35AE1533CED5 |
Munition nimmt zu (Note) by UL1 XplorerPro and FX (v2.2-v4.52)
PAL2NTSC by Nachbrenner XplorerPro and FX (v2.2-v4.52)
$75AADB017AF1 $35AADB01CEED $75AB49F97AF1 $35AB49F9CEED $75B2172D7AF1 $35B2172DCEED |
RCJC/Note by UL1 XplorerPro and FX (v2.2-v4.52)
700C2492 ???? |
Traenke und Talismane nehmen zu (Note) by UL1 XplorerPro and FX (v2.2-v4.52)
$75AB98F9CE2F $85AB98EBCECE |
Unendlich Munition (Note)/Note by UL1 XplorerPro and FX (v2.2-v4.52)
$75AFEE61CE10 $85AFEE65CECD $75B0A2D3CEFD $35B0A2D3CECD |
Unendlich Traenke und Talismane (Note) by UL1 XplorerPro and FX (v2.2-v4.52)
$75AB98F9CE2F $85AB98FDCECD |
Unendlich Zauber (Note) by UL1 XplorerPro and FX (v2.2-v4.52)
Unverwundbar by UL1 XplorerPro and FX (v2.2-v4.52)
Y-Fix Startmenue by Nachbrenner XplorerPro and FX (v2.2-v4.52)
Zauber nehmen zu (Note) by UL1 XplorerPro and FX (v2.2-v4.52)
$75AFF3A1CE2F $85AFF393CECE |
Off(Press Select & R2 Pad 2) by Nachbrenner XplorerPro and FX (v2.2-v4.52)
D00C 24BA FDFE 3009 55FC 0001 |
On(Press Select & R1 Pad 2) by Nachbrenner XplorerPro and FX (v2.2-v4.52)
D00C 24BA F7FE 3009 55FC 0002 |
Off(Press Select & L2 Pad 2) by Nachbrenner XplorerPro and FX (v2.2-v4.52)
D00C 24BA FEFE 3009 4C74 0005 |
On(Press Select & L1 Pad 2) by Nachbrenner XplorerPro and FX (v2.2-v4.52)
D00C 24BA FBFE 3009 4C74 0000 |
All enemies killed all stages(ROM-Version 2.81 or higher required) by UL1 XplorerPro and FX (v2.2-v4.52)
C20C 3E98 0001 800E FA42 0000 |
All pickups collected all stages(ROM-Version 2.81 or higher required) by UL1 XplorerPro and FX (v2.2-v4.52)
C20C 3B48 0001 800C 2488 0000 |
All secrets found all stages(ROM-Version 2.81 or higher required) by UL1 XplorerPro and FX (v2.2-v4.52)
C20C 3A80 0001 800C 3DEC 0000 |
Ammo increases (Note) by UL1 XplorerPro and FX (v2.2-v4.52)
D006 3092 0043 8006 3084 0001 D007 E404 0030 8002 E3F4 0001 |
Have all keys(Press L2 & R2)(ROM-Version 2.0 or higher required) by UL1 XplorerPro and FX (v2.2-v4.52)
D00C 2492 FCFF 5000 0304 0000 800C 6D54 018E |
Have all potions and charms(Press L2 & R2)(ROM-Version 2.0 or higher required) by UL1 XplorerPro and FX (v2.2-v4.52)
D00C 2492 FCFF 5000 0804 0000 800C 6D2C 00FF |
Have all spells(Press L2 & R2)(ROM-Version 2.0 or higher required) by UL1 XplorerPro and FX (v2.2-v4.52)
D00C 2492 FCFF 5000 0804 0000 800C 6D00 00FF |
Have all weapons(Press L2 & R2)(ROM-Version 2.0 or higher required) by UL1 XplorerPro and FX (v2.2-v4.52)
D00C 2492 FCFF 5000 0304 0000 800C 6CB8 0106 D00C 2492 FCFF 5000 0C04 0000 800C 6CC0 0106 D00C 2492 FCFF 5000 0704 0000 800C 6CE0 00FF |
Have Black Spirit Sword by DiamondCutter XplorerPro and FX (v2.2-v4.52)
800C 6CC4 0106 |
Have Gold Key by DiamondCutter XplorerPro and FX (v2.2-v4.52)
800C 6D54 018E |
Have Magic Warhammer by DiamondCutter XplorerPro and FX (v2.2-v4.52)
800C 6CD0 0106 |
Have Red Key by DiamondCutter XplorerPro and FX (v2.2-v4.52)
800C 6D5C 018E |
Have Red Sword by DiamondCutter XplorerPro and FX (v2.2-v4.52)
800C 6CC0 0106 |
Have Silver Key by DiamondCutter XplorerPro and FX (v2.2-v4.52)
800C 6D58 018E |
Have Silver Sword by DiamondCutter XplorerPro and FX (v2.2-v4.52)
800C 6CC8 0106 |
Have Venom Sword by DiamondCutter XplorerPro and FX (v2.2-v4.52)
800C 6CCC 0106 |
Have Warhammer by DiamondCutter XplorerPro and FX (v2.2-v4.52)
800C 6CB8 0106 |
Infinite ammo (Note) by UL1 XplorerPro and FX (v2.2-v4.52)
D006 3092 0043 8006 3096 0000 D007 E404 0030 3007 E404 0000 |
Infinite Antidote by DiamondCutter XplorerPro and FX (v2.2-v4.52)
800C 6D30 FFFF |
Infinite Arc of Power by DiamondCutter XplorerPro and FX (v2.2-v4.52)
800C 6D18 FFFF |
Infinite Bombs by DiamondCutter XplorerPro and FX (v2.2-v4.52)
800C 6CE8 FFFF |
Infinite Bunderbuss by DiamondCutter XplorerPro and FX (v2.2-v4.52)
800C 6CF0 FFFF |
Infinite Chalk by DiamondCutter XplorerPro and FX (v2.2-v4.52)
800C 6CF8 FFFF |
Infinite Charm of Icy cool by DiamondCutter XplorerPro and FX (v2.2-v4.52)
800C 6D3C FFFF |
Infinite Fireballs by DiamondCutter XplorerPro and FX (v2.2-v4.52)
800C 6D08 FFFF |
Infinite Firefly by DiamondCutter XplorerPro and FX (v2.2-v4.52)
800C 6D00 FFFF |
Infinite Firethrower by DiamondCutter XplorerPro and FX (v2.2-v4.52)
800C 6CE0 FFFF |
Infinite Flame Lance by DiamondCutter XplorerPro and FX (v2.2-v4.52)
800C 6CE4 FFFF |
Infinite Greater Razorspell by DiamondCutter XplorerPro and FX (v2.2-v4.52)
800C 6D14 FFFF |
Infinite Grenade Launcher by DiamondCutter XplorerPro and FX (v2.2-v4.52)
800C 6CEC FFFF |
Infinite Health Potion by DiamondCutter XplorerPro and FX (v2.2-v4.52)
800C 6D2C FFFF |
Infinite Infernal Device by DiamondCutter XplorerPro and FX (v2.2-v4.52)
800C 6CF4 FFFF |
Infinite Invisibility by DiamondCutter XplorerPro and FX (v2.2-v4.52)
800C 6D48 FFFF |
Infinite Jetspell by DiamondCutter XplorerPro and FX (v2.2-v4.52)
800C 6D10 FFFF |
Infinite Magic charm by DiamondCutter XplorerPro and FX (v2.2-v4.52)
800C 6D44 FFFF |
Infinite potions and charms (Note) by UL1 XplorerPro and FX (v2.2-v4.52)
D002 DA2A 0062 8002 DA2E 0000 |
Infinite Razorblade magic by DiamondCutter XplorerPro and FX (v2.2-v4.52)
800C 6D0C FFFF |
Infinite Speed by DiamondCutter XplorerPro and FX (v2.2-v4.52)
800C 6D38 FFFF |
Infinite spells (Note)/Note by UL1 XplorerPro and FX (v2.2-v4.52)
D006 35D2 0062 8006 35D6 0000 |
Infinite Starspell by DiamondCutter XplorerPro and FX (v2.2-v4.52)
800C 6D04 FFFF |
Infinite Strength by DiamondCutter XplorerPro and FX (v2.2-v4.52)
800C 6D34 FFFF |
Infinite War Pig by DiamondCutter XplorerPro and FX (v2.2-v4.52)
800C 6D1C FFFF |
Infinite Warding by DiamondCutter XplorerPro and FX (v2.2-v4.52)
800C 6D40 FFFF |
Invulnerable by UL1 XplorerPro and FX (v2.2-v4.52)
D006 1726 0050 8006 1728 0000 |
Level select (Note 1)/Note by Nachbrenner XplorerPro and FX (v2.2-v4.52)
D105 5766 AFB7 3005 5764 0008 |
No. of enemies killed by UL1 XplorerPro and FX (v2.2-v4.52)
800E FA42 00?? |
No. of enemies to kill by UL1 XplorerPro and FX (v2.2-v4.52)
800C 3E98 00?? |
No. of pickups collected by UL1 XplorerPro and FX (v2.2-v4.52)
800C 2488 00?? |
No. of pickups to collect by UL1 XplorerPro and FX (v2.2-v4.52)
800C 3B48 00?? |
No. of secrets found by UL1 XplorerPro and FX (v2.2-v4.52)
800C 3DEC 00?? |
No. of secrets to find by UL1 XplorerPro and FX (v2.2-v4.52)
800C 3A80 00?? |
PAL2NTSC by Nachbrenner XplorerPro and FX (v2.2-v4.52)
D001 1D32 AC24 3001 1D32 0020 D002 8B2A AC24 3002 8B2A 0020 D009 595E AC24 3009 595E 0020 |
Potions and charms increase (Note) by UL1 XplorerPro and FX (v2.2-v4.52)
D002 DA2A 0062 8002 DA1C 0001 |
Reversed Complementary Joker Command by UL1 XplorerPro and FX (v2.2-v4.52)
D00C 2492 ???? |
Shift screen up/down(Press Select & Up/Down Pad 2)(ROM-Version 2.2 or higher required) by Nachbrenner XplorerPro and FX (v2.2-v4.52)
5000 0234 5FAE 8009 7E80 0000 D00C 24BA FFEE 1109 7EBC 0001 D00C 24BA FFBE 1009 7EBC 0001 |
Spells increase (Note) by UL1 XplorerPro and FX (v2.2-v4.52)
D006 35D2 0062 8006 35C4 0001 |
Y-Fix Startmenu by Nachbrenner XplorerPro and FX (v2.2-v4.52)
D001 37FC 0010 8001 37FC 0000 D002 A5F4 0010 8002 A5F4 0000 |
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